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The order for fire hoses with the internal waterproofing camera like Sibteks 

The company from:Russia

Created:22 Mar 2017  09:00


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The request from the buyer:

Automatic translation

Subject: The order for fire hoses with the internal waterproofing camera like Sibteks
*contact data*

Interests goods "Fire hoses with the internal waterproofing camera like Sibteks". Contact me for specification of cost, opportunities of delivery, payment and other conditions.

The order for fire hoses with the internal waterproofing camera like Sibteks

Интересует товар "Рукава пожарные с внутренней гидроизоляционной камерой типа Сибтекс". Свяжитесь со мной для уточнения стоимости, возможностей доставки, оплаты и других условий.

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